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City of San Antonio

Chief Mechanical Supervisor

Joe Frias

Development Services Department
City of San Antonio
210-207-6073 Fax


Joseph Bernal – Strike Team Building Chief

Report Unlicensed Contractor &
Non-Permitted Activity

Development Services Department

City of San Antonio

State of Texas

Program Chief – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration

Bill Weatherly

Regulatory Program Management
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation


Lindsay Tenorio

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Enforcement Division

Air Conditioning Contractor Complaints

TACCA Greater San Antonio has a strong working relationship with TDLR Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) HVAC Program Chief Bill Weatherly and Enforcement Investagator Robert Nino. We work closely with TDLR to keep all HVAC contractors compliant. To report a violation by a licensed individual or company, contact TDLR by calling 512-463-6599, or click the link below to get the online form to file a complaint. Report a Violation

To report a person or company operating without a license, click the link below to get the online form to file a complaint. Report the Activity of an Unlicensed Person

Verify if the person or company is licensed please search licensed air conditioning contractors here.

State Office of Administrative Hearings

State Office of
Administrative Hearings:

click to expand

Visit the State Office of Administrative Hearings website for information on attending open hearings.

  1. Click on Scheduled Hearings
  2. Select General Docket Hearings and Mediations
  3. Click on the Link “General Docket Hearings and Mediations” (this is a .pdf file)
Requesting Open Records

Open Records:

click to expand

A request may be made for open records through the following methods:

  1. Mail: TDLR P.O. Box 12157, Austin, TX, 78711
  2. Fax: 512-475-5032
  3. Email:

The first 100 pages are free. Any record exceeding 100 pages will be given a cost estimate prior to completing the request. If you have any questions, please contact Reene Kimball at 512-463-6208.

NEW CPS Energy Residential Home Energy Rebate Application